
Updates on my personal life...

...not that anyone is curious. Haha.

If I'm ever going to revive this blog I might as well start with updating about what's going on in my life currently.

I just finished my A Levels examination which I know I'm gonna flunk and I now have a few months break from studying! Yay! So I've been looking for part time jobs to do.. I'm basically broke right now.

I've always had difficulties expressing myself ; through face to face and even through sns. Sometimes when I'm feeling angry or sad I would want to post a facebook status just like everybody else but I somehow just can't. One of the reasons why my blogs always end up dying is because I'm too afraid to share what's going on with my life, in my mind..etc etc. I think I definitely need to loosen up. Writing in this reader-free blog would probably help. I do feel slightly more comfortable knowing that no one is likely to ever read this, but does that then make me a crazy person who talks to herself? Haha. OK I talk to myself all the time anyway, not just through blogging.

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