
Finally 18

A surprise birthday party that my super awesome college friends threw for me days before my actual birthday. I look super bloated. 

Wasn't actually looking forward to my birthday. But here we are..
*Sense the anti-enthusiasm*

Okay, I'm no emo. :) 

It's my birthday. Finally legal (for most things).

Opening a new chapter in my life? Hopefully :)

I even gathered enough courage to direct a tweet to @officialbtob. May seem like a small feat but it took me a loooong time to compose it along with a LOT of courage. Oh well what the heck I'll just be a little crazy and shameless on my birthday. :D. But in the end, the tweet shall be ignored. :) *The sad life of a fangirl.* 

No plans for today. Looks like I'm going to be staying home the whole day then. :) 

Good night and what a lame birthday post this is. 

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